
Monday, April 6, 2015

We Are One: Yes, We Have No Bananas: Revisiting the Western Lowland Gorilla

Today we start the second week by revisiting the original muse for this photographic series, the Western Lowland Gorilla.

I was walking the zoo when I came across an excited group of people clustered at one end of the gorilla display. The reason was that they had been throwing bananas into the gorilla enclosure. This is a terrible thing to do because the animal may become sick and there are signposts discouraging the behavior. Needless to say, by the time I got close enough I found her with outstretched arm gesturing for more.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Habitat: Forests of the African Congo Basin
Threats: Deforestation, farming, grazing, poaching for bush meat, medicinal and magical beliefs, war and disease (including Ebola) have diminished their numbers by 60% over the last 20 - 25 years.


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