
Monday, April 13, 2015

We Are One: Caption This, The Western Lowland Gorilla

Caption this. What do you see, what do you feel? I saw a great ape irritated by the humans tapping on the glass and I also saw a child captivated by being close to an animal who's DNA is only 1.6% different than her own. Some ask why do we keep these animals in captivity? What role do zoos play in the quest for conservation?

I can attest that zoos are no longer the same facilities as when I was a child. The enclosures have no bars and enrichments are provided for psychological and physical well being. Many of these animals have been born in captivity and have never seen the wild. If they were returned, they would not have the skills to survive.

Zoos play a large role in field conservation for habitat and animals. They raise and donate financial, medical, educational and operational supplies for projects. Importantly, zoos educate and expose people to wildlife and conservation education therefore hopefuly touching enough of us with knowledge, compassion and eventually leading us to action.

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Habitat: Forests of the African Congo Basin
Threats: Deforestation, farming, grazing, poaching for bushmeat, medicinal and magical beliefs, war and disease (including Ebola) have diminished their numbers by 60% over the last 20 - 25 years.


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