
Friday, April 17, 2015

We Are One: King of the Swing, The Lar Gibbon

The Lar Gibbon also known as the White-Handed Gibbon is a primate whose color can range from sandy to black except for white fur on the hands, feet and a ring surrounding a black face.

Theses gibbons live in the canopies of the forests rarely ever coming down, but when they do they walk on two legs keeping their long arms above the head for balance. In the canopies they are the kings of the swing as they travel from branch to branch!

Mostly monogamous in their social structure, they are known for their vocalizations that reverberate throughout the rainforest.

Recently a video went viral of a Lar Gibbon taking a walk. You can watch him strut here!:

Click here to catch them in swing action and singing in the canopies!:

Conservation Status: Endangered
Habitat: Tropical rainforests of southern and Southeastern Asia (China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia).
Threats: Hunting for bushmeat and habitat destruction though logging, development and agriculture.


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