
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Costa Rica Eco and Adventure Travels

It been quite a while since I've made an entry to this blog. Personal quiet time is hard to come by for me. Recently though, I was fortunate enough to travel to beautiful Costa Rica for an Eco-Adventure that I'll never forget. Throughout ten days we traveled from the east, to the central valley and finally ending on the Pacific coast of the country. At times, the areas we traveled ranging through rivers, lakes, volcanos, cloud forest and beaches were quite remote, but always the Ticos (Costa Rican people) were incredibly hospitable and kind.

Some friends and family have asked to see pictures so I'm sharing a link to a video with some of the photographs and clips we took along the way. My only regret though, was missing the opportunity to catch one moment that was incredibly beautiful. It will always be engraved in my mind. I wish I could share it visually, but imagine traveling though the dirt roads of a remote countryside with scattered minuscule towns and very humble corrugated tin roof homes. As we drove by one of thoses homes in the drizzling rain, there was a girl about 8 years old in her yard, barefoot and in colorful dress. With arms outstretched to both sides and face turned up to the sky she was spinning. Her huge smile radiated pure joy. I'll never forget that moment. So much joy from just being alive, being in the moment with no fancy toys, no one else, just the rain. That's how I'll remember Costa Rica. That's how I felt in those forests, jungles and beach... pure joy in being alive, the meaning of "Pura Vida".

 Costa Rica